10 Noise Protection Tips for Workers: Safeguard Your Hearing


For most workers across the globe, silence is a rare commodity. Airports, construction sites, factories, and even some office environments regularly expose workers to potentially harmful levels of noise. This long-term exposure to loud noises leads to permanently damaging one’s hearing ability or other health concerns, such as tinnitus, stress, and hypertension.

Please note that hearing loss is a condition that is irreversible. So, once your hearing starts to deteriorate, there’s no way you can regain your hearing power. Therefore, if you are engaged in an industry or workplace where loud noise levels are part and parcel of regular work life, you must take steps to protect your hearing. After all, prevention is always better than cure.

This guide outlines ten essential noise protection tips for workers with the aim of empowering you to minimise the risks and enjoy sound hearing for years to come. Let’s go!

Familiarise yourself with the Risks of NIHL

NIHL stands for noise-induced hearing loss. If you are constantly exposed to sounds exceeding 85 decibels for eight or more hours, you are at risk of NIHL.

This condition is irreversible and progressive. With time, the damage worsens.

Hence, you must be aware of the sound levels you will be exposed to at your workplace and take proper steps to protect your hearing.

Recognise the symptoms of NIHL

Early detection can help prevent further damage. Hence, you must watch out for the potential symptoms and signs of NIHL. Some of those signs are the muffling of sounds, difficulty comprehending speech, ringing in the ears, and so on. The moment you notice these signs, you must immediately visit a doctor and get your hearing checked.

A thorough evaluation from an audiologist will help to prevent more damage to your hearing.

Wear Hearing Protection Devices

Hearing protection devices are specifically created to block out the noise entering your ears. These wearable devices lower the intensity of sound to prevent your ears from being exposed to hazardous noise. This comes in handy to prevent NIHL.

Different types of hearing protection devices are available for workers, such as moulded ear plugs, earmuffs, canal caps and expandable foam plugs. When choosing a hearing protection device for yourself, you must consider these factors:

  1. The NRR of the hearing protection device – The noise reduction rating of the device determines whether it will come in handy in your workplace environment.
  2. Fit and comfort – The device should snugly fit in your ears and not cause any discomfort.
  3. Compatibility with other equipment – If your work demands that you wear other equipment, you must check whether the hearing protection device is compatible with that equipment.

Advocate for Engineering Controls

Wearing a hearing protection device is a great idea, but you cannot rely solely on this solution. Employers also need to take some proactive measures and engineering controls aimed at decreasing the overall level of noise in the workplace.

The measures employers can implement include:

  1. Opt for machinery and tools that generate less noise.
  2. Ensure there’s a proper plan for maintaining the equipment. Regular servicing and lubrication minimise noise.
  3. Invest in soundproofing materials or install noise barriers so the noise levels are reduced.

However, if employers do not implement these measures, you cannot force them to do so. In that case, your best option to safeguard your hearing is to wear hearing protection devices.

Make use of the Available Resources and Training

If your workplace offers resources or training to educate you on the dangers of noise exposure, don’t hesitate to utilise them.

Always Encourage Safe Practices

Are you in a leadership position? If so, you must encourage others to follow safe hearing practices. This might involve promoting awareness about NIHL and encouraging your team members to use hearing protection devices in noisy environments.

Schedule Regular Hearing Checks

You must prioritise regular hearing tests with an experienced audiologist. It is essential that your hearing health is properly monitored. If the problem is detected early, there’s a chance for potential intervention and also prevention of further damage. Usually, these tests must be conducted when you are starting a new job so a baseline hearing level can be established. They also must be scheduled at intervals or after you have experienced excessive noise exposure.

Be Mindful of Loud Noises Outside of Work

It is not that workers are only exposed to high levels of noise at their workplace. There’s also noise all around you. You must be aware of the potential hazards in your personal life, such as recreational activities, loud music, etc. Also, if you are attending music or sporting events, you must take proper precautions to protect your hearing.

Cultivate Healthy Habits to Protect your Hearing

When it comes to protecting your hearing, you must adopt certain healthy habits. Some of them are mentioned below:

  1. Eat a healthy diet consisting of all the essential nutrients that support your well-being, including your ear health.
  2. Stress can impact your hearing. Therefore, you must manage chronic stress.
  3. Ensure you get adequate sleep so your body is allowed to regenerate and repair.
  4. Ensure there’s no buildup of earwax. You must regularly remove earwax.

The adoption of these healthy habits ensures your ear’s health is maintained.

Do not be Afraid to Speak up at your Workplace

Do you feel your workplace is not taking adequate measures to safeguard your hearing? If so, you must not hesitate to voice your concerns. You can communicate your concerns to your supervisor and request appropriate action.

If this doesn’t work, you can utilise the available grievance procedures to ensure your concerns reach the right ears. You can even consider seeking help from external organisations that advocate hearing health rights.

The Bottom Line

So, these ten noise protection tips for workers are outlined so you can protect your hearing and prevent hearing loss. However, you must remember that protecting your hearing is an ongoing process. You can implement these tips to enjoy the gift of sound hearing for years to come.


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